Under Orders, Under Fire, Part II
From the 10-part series Ethics in America (1988)
Charles Ogletree, Professor, Harvard Law School

Colonel George Connell; Marines, Special Forces Vietnam, Commander, Naval Intelligence and Investigations
Fred Downs; Army (retired), Vietnam Veteran
Gen. Evelyn Foote; Army, Deputy Inspector General
Newt Gingrich; R-Georgia, Member of the Sub-Committee on Health
Father Bryan Hehir; Author of NCCB, Pastoral letter on nuclear weapons
Lt. Col. Brian Jenkins; Marines (retired) Special Forces Vietnam; Terrorism Expert, Rand Corp.
Peter Jennings; ABC Anchor, Former War Correspondent
Gen. David Jones; Air Force (retired); Former Chairman of the Joints of Chiefs
John F. Kerry; Senator, D-Massachusetts, Member Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Member Sub-Committee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Gen. Edward Meyer; Army (retired), Former Chief of Staff
General Brent Scowcroft; Air Force, Former National Security Advisor, Deputy Secretary of State
Admiral James Service; Navy (retired), Former Commander Naval Air Force
Louis Stokes; U.S. Representative, Ohio, Chairman House Select Committee on Intelligence
Major Robert Stuart; Marines, Judge Advocate, San Diego recruiting depot
Colonel (Chaplain) Tim Tatum; Army, Instructor, Army War College
Mike Wallace; CBS Reporter
Gen. William Westmoreland; Army (retired), Former Vietnam Commander and Chief of Staff