Campaign Spending: Money and Media
From the 13-part series The Constitution: That Delicate Balance (1984)
Tyrone Brown, Attorney

Floyd Abrams; Attorney, Cahill, Gordon & Reindel
John Anderson; Chairman, National Unity Committee; Former U.S. Representative - Illinois
David Broder; National Political Correspondent, Columnist, Washington Post
David Burke; Vice President and Assistant to President, ABC News
John Terrance Dolan; Chairman, National Conservative Political Action Committee
Rev. Robert Drinan; Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center; President, Americans for Democratic Action; Former US Representative - MA
Charles Ferris; Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo; Former Chairman, Federal Communications Comm.
Barney Frank; U.S. Representative - MA
David Garth; Political Consultant, The Garth Group
William Green; Former Mayor of Philadelphia; Former US Rep. - PA
Meg Greenfield; Editorial Page Editor, Washington Post
Henry Hyde; U.S. Representative - IL
Nancy Landon Kassebaum; U.S. Senator - Kansas
John Lindsay; Former Mayor of New York; Former U.S. Representative - NY
Richard Lugar; U.S Senator - Indiana
Abner Mikva; Judge, US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit; Former U.S. Representative - IL
Bill Moyers; Senior News Analyst, CBS News
Potter Stewart; Retired Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Glenn Watts; President, Communication Workers of America, AFL-CIO
Eddie Williams; President, The Joint Center for Political Studies