Fueling Our Future
Frank Sesno, Special Correspondent, CNN; Professor, George Washiington University

Eliot Assimakopoulos, Business Development Manager, General Electric Global R & D
Jim Harkness, President, Institute for Agriculture and Trade
Joseph Keefe, President and CEO, Pax World Funds
Robert Kennedy, Jr., Environmentalist
Steven Kline, V.P., Corporate Environmental and Federal Affairs, Pacific Gas and Electric
L. Hunter Lovins, President, Natural Capitalism, Inc.
Pete McCloskey, Former U.S. Representative, California
Hermina Morita, State Representative, Hawaii
William Paul, Former Reporter, The Wall Street Journal; Managing Editor;,
Kenneth Pringle, Mayor, Belmar, New Jersey
Andrew Revkin, Environmental Reporter, The New York Times
Amy Seidl, Ph.D., Associate Director, Living Future Foundation
Stephen Schneider, Ph.D., 2006 Nobel Prize Winning Member, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Professor, Stanford University
R. James Woolsey, Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Partner, Vantage Point Venture Partners